General Course Timeline

(subject to change)
Courses are offered in sequence and only once a year.  If you do not enroll in a course, then you must wait a year to continue your program.  If you miss more than two years in a row you will be required to retake the summer Cornerstone class MS&T 201 before continuing on with your studies.    If you have more than two years between your Cornerstone class and the advanced series you must retake the program from the beginning.  If you stop the program at any point you must begin the program again in its entirety if more than two years has passed since your last class.  This means that you must restart the program where you left off by the third year following the break in course work or begin the entire program again.

The Cornerstone Series is generally offered in the summer months.  It consists of about 5 weeks of intensive theoretical and practical experience.  This series includes MS&T 101,102,103,201,202,301,302 equaling 19 credit units.  This is a little less than one third of the required course work for Certification Level 1.  While everyone is encouraged to enroll in the entire program including the Advanced Series, students may take this basic series and not continue with the Advanced Series.  There is no certification or certificate offered for only completing the Cornerstone Series.  No professional activity may be done based upon these classes without completing the entire program.  The Cornerstone Textbook may not be taken home if a student does not continue with their studies.  In the event a student drops out of the program the Cornerstone textbook must be returned to AUM S&T.  The Cornerstone Textbook is only for use by a student who completes the program.

The Advanced Series begins in September with MS&T 303 and MS&T 304.  MS&T 303 is a reading class and it is held once a week via teleconference, usually on a weekend day.  MS&T 304 is an independent studies design class with frequent communication among students via email.  Several teleconference classes are held during this time to answer design questions.  Each reading class has an accompanying design class. The schedule of classes consists of a balance of reading and drafting classes culminating in Practicum 3 (an advanced building project) and MS&T 480 and MST 484 – a portfolio of all of the students’ work throughout the program and a Vaastu field Guide.  These and the advanced courses equal 62 CU.  The entire Level 1 Curriculum is 81 Credit Units

The following is a general outline of when courses are typically offered. Exact dates vary from year to year.

First Year
Cornerstone Series
June – August: MS&T 101,102,103,201,202,301,302

Advanced Series
September– December: MS&T 303 and 304
January: MS&T 351 - India course
February/March: MS&T 305 and 401
March.April: MS&T 306 and 402
April/May: MS&T 307 and 403
June: MS&T 308 and 404

Second Year
July/August: MS&T 433 and 405
September-November: MS&T 477 and 406
February - April: MS&T 480
April - July: MS&T 484

Graduation on or about August 23,24,25 of second year.

This program of study is designed to provide theoretical, practical and internal knowledge. One of the benchmarks of someone who practices this work is that they develop a specific internal awareness that serves as a compass of sorts leading one through the many specific principles and building codes that are born of the science behind Vaastu Shastras – the science of Pranava Veda called by Mayan – The Luminous Path.

The extent to which the student perseveres, follows the curriculum, completes their design projects and completes their homework and reading assignments in sequence determines, in part, how well their interior Self develops. This body of knowledge exceeds the material aspects called building architecture. Its focus is to bring spiritual bliss to the student and to the world through what is known as Vaastu Dharma.